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Silurian pinnacle reefs in the subsurface of the south‐western Ontario portion of the Michigan Basin display a variety of laminated carbonates (laminites) within predominantly muddy reef‐capping facies in the upper part of the Guelph Formation and the overlying A‐1 Carbonate of the Salina Group. Laminites, which are limestone, dolomite or partially dolomitized limestones, have a range of morphologies, from simple planar to a variety of wavy and serrated forms. Individual laminae are composed mainly of micrite, microspar or replacive dolomite, and vary internally from isopachous and continuous over the diameter of the core to non‐isopachous and often discontinuous. Clotted and peloidal micrite, sometimes defining small knobs and chambers, is interpreted as being microbial in origin and occurs within all types of laminites. Fibrous cement locally comprises laminite clasts in breccias or coats clasts in breccias, and also occurs as spherulites in the interparticle spaces in breccias. Although similar laminites have been described from elsewhere in the Michigan Basin and interpreted as caliche, travertine and abiotic subtidal stromatolites, the laminites in south‐western Ontario are most realistically regarded as microbial. The causes for the variations in morphology and characteristics of the constituent laminae are uncertain, although fluctuations in local microenvironmental conditions would have been important, set against a backdrop of an increasingly restricted overall setting. Caliche or travertine origins for these laminites are unlikely in general, except perhaps locally at the subaerial exposure surface at the tops of pinnacle reefs.  相似文献   
赣南—粤北版石群及其地质时代   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
赣南—粤北中生代晚期存在上、中、下3个不同时代的火山岩系,其中上火山岩系称为版石群。根据岩性岩相特征,版石群可进一步划分为两个岩组:下岩组称为合水组,以砾岩、砂岩、页岩等沉积岩为主、夹火山岩,代表火山活动初始期的产物;上岩组称为优胜组,岩性为流纹岩、流纹质凝灰岩、熔结凝灰岩,代表火山活动喷发期的产物。长塘盆地优胜组熔结凝灰岩全岩RbSr等时线年龄为89.5Ma;仁差盆地优胜组流纹岩全岩RbSr等时线年龄为91.9~94Ma,熔结凝灰岩锆石UPb法年龄为86.5Ma,次流纹斑岩锆石UPb法年龄为93.5Ma;菖蒲盆地优胜组流纹岩全岩RbSr等时线年龄为104Ma;版石盆地优胜组流纹岩全岩RbSr等时线年龄为72.2Ma,全岩KAr法年龄为77.6Ma,可见版石群优胜组的地质时代为早白垩世晚期—晚白垩世早期。另外,合水组的生物化石反映出早白垩世的特征,因此,将版石群置于早白垩世—晚白垩世早期是可信的。  相似文献   
化学地层学及其研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴智勇 《地层学杂志》1999,23(3):234-240
化学地层学是利用岩层中化学元素及其化合物的演变规律及含量分布特征进行地层的划分和对比,进而推断地层形成时的地球化学环境的一门地层学分支。根据所采用的化学信号,化学地层学可进一步划分为放射性同位素地层学、稳定同位素地层学、分子化学地层学、有机碳和碳酸盐碳化学地层学和元素化学地层学等。  相似文献   
胶东群新议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
太古代胶东群主要是由TTG花岗质片麻岩组成。近期区调研究发现真正的变质表壳岩系仅在其中呈包体出现,据岩性特征胶东岩群可分为苗家岩组、郭格庄岩组,时代为晚太古代  相似文献   
赣南—粤北余田群的再认识   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
赣南—粤北中生代晚期存在上、中、下3个不同时代的火山岩系,其中下火山岩系称为余田群,可进一步划分为水头迳组和菖蒲组。水头迳组以沉积岩为主、夹火山碎屑岩,代表火山活动初始期的产物;菖蒲组为玄武岩、流纹岩和流纹质凝灰岩,有时夹砂岩,代表火山活动喷发期的产物。同位素年龄数据显示,余田群菖蒲组的地质时代为中侏罗世—晚侏罗世早期,水头迳组是否包含早侏罗世沉积有待进一步研究证实  相似文献   
武当地块基性岩墙群与耀岭河群基性火山岩的 Sr、 Nd、 Pb 同位素特征反映它们具相同的混合地幔源区。前者的(87 Sr/86 Sr)i= 06905~07061, ε N d (t) = - 19~50, Δ208 Pb/204 Pb= 3549~19026, Δ207 Pb/204 Pb= 4~85, Th/ Ta 低, La/ Yb 变化大;后者的(87 Sr/86 Sr)i= 06487~07075,ε N d(t)= 011~394, Δ208 Pb/204 Pb= - 8158~21995, Δ207 Pb/204 Pb= 444~1668, Th/ Ta 和 La/ Yb 较高。这指示它们的源区以岩石圈亏损地幔和第2 类富集地幔为主要混合组分, 耀岭河群基性火山岩曾遭受地壳物质的混染。结合它们具大陆拉斑玄武岩地球化学特征, 代表同源异相裂谷环境的产物推断, 南秦岭基底陆块在新元古代时曾发生过一次重要裂解作用, 并向早古生代秦岭洋盆转变。  相似文献   
Quartz cementation is a very important diagenetic event and main porosity-occluding factor in the reservoir sandstones in middle Jurassic i n North Sea. Petrological studies indicate the quartz cementation is limited in shallower burial depth and increases significantly at depth around 3.5 - 4 km. T he amount of quartz cement increases with burial depth from an average of approx imately 4%-5 vol% at 2.5 km to 17%-20 vol% at 4 km. Highest abundances of quartz cement exceeds 28% which has been found in the Ness Formation. Variations in qu artz cementation between different sandstone facies is minimal for any one forma tion, with exception of the generally lower quantities present in the heterolith ic sandstone. Homogenisation temperatures of fluid inclusion in quartz overgrowt h from the North Sea reservoirs indicate that few quartz cement occur below the temperature 70 ℃~80 ℃, the onset of large volume quartz cement starts at the temperatures higher than 90 ℃ which suggests the quartz cementation is temperat ure - dependent during progressing diagenesis of sandstones.  相似文献   
专题研究资料表明,米仓山区的中—深变质岩系──“后河组”属前晋宁期“双旋回”喷发的火山建造经深度区域变质作用的产物,原岩类型包括钙碱性—碱钙性—碱性的基性──中性酸性岩类有规律组合的玄武岩—安山岩—流纹岩系列,属下元古界,建议更名为“后河群”。  相似文献   
冀东青龙一带双山子与朱丈子群的时代归属问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文谁了各类变质岩的全岩Rb-Sr等时线所反映的岩石初始或叠加变质变形年龄。角闪岩相的锆石U-Pb一致线和Sm-Nd等时线则因原岩(火成或沉积成因)的差别分别反映生成年龄或变形年龄,实际是受原生水控制。Sm-Nd等时线年龄偏低,还与低温动力变质中水的加入有关。由于本区2450Ma的数据出现频率很高,反映了太古宙与元古宙间的主要地质事件,结合双山子群、朱丈子群中发育可供洲际对比的绿岩带,故二者统归太  相似文献   
胶北蓬莱群的变形与变质及其区域大地构造意义   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文通过构造与变质研究及伊利石结晶度和同位素年龄测定。分析胶北蓬莱群的变形,变质及其区域大地构造意义。作为胶北唯一盖层的蓬莱群,在晚石炭世(299±4Ma)北北东—南南西区域挤压下首次遭受了强烈的蓬莱事件变形及低绿片岩相变质。其后的后蓬莱事件在胶北地区仅造成了局部的北北东—南南西向变形构造。作为华北板块南缘的胶北带,其上的蓬莱事件是华北与扬子板块沿胶南带碰撞的结果。这表明郯庐断裂带以东这两扳块碰撞发生在晚石炭世。在秦岭—大别山碰撞带以北的华北扳块南缘,由于碰撞也出现了类似胶北带的挤压变形。  相似文献   
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